Category: Local News

Paddling to Celebration brought unexpected connections

U.S. Army Vietnam era veteran Val Cooday was one of dozens of people who paddled canoes up through Southeast Alaska’s Inside Passage this summer. They were heading to Celebration – a biennial festival in Juneau that honors the region’s Indigenous people. The voyage was healing and inspirational to some participants, including Cooday. To her, the number of paddlers seem to grow more and more each time.

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Wrangell Assembly preview: modifying Parks & Rec meeting requirements and sections of the municipal code; plus more

Wrangell’s assembly will consider changing the Parks and Recreation Board’s meeting requirements in the municipal code. At Tuesday’s meeting, the assembly could modify the code from meeting monthly to quarterly. The proposal says the change should relieve any strain that staff and board members experience while putting together monthly meeting packets, according to Parks Director Lucy Robinson. 

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Tlingit Phrase of the Week