Wrangell City Hall on June 26, 2024. (Colette Czarnecki/KSTK)

After last year’s potential sale of Wrangell’s Medical Center falling through, the borough assembly on Tuesday might agree on transferring $24,000 from the general fund to the hospital. It would go to the Special Revenue Hospital Legacy Budget for regenerating power costs to the defunct medical center. 

Also at the meeting, the assembly will hold a public hearing on repealing section 5-14(A) of the home rule charter and the Wrangell Municipal Code section 5.10.035(A). The sections allow voters to approve selling borough property valued over $1 million. Officials say that’s illegal. Both the Alaska Supreme Court and the Sitka Superior Court state that these requirements are impermissible and threaten the assembly’s authority. 

Wrangell’s assembly will also discuss supporting Southeast Alaska Power Agency’s (SEAPA) Wrangell Substation Transformer Upgrade project request. SEAPA submitted it to U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski for congressionally directed spending aid. The City and Borough of Wrangell strongly supports the request and acknowledges that the existing transformer reached the end of its life and needs a replacement. Borough officials say this replacement will ensure safe energy distribution in the region.

Also at the meeting, Wrangell’s assembly might also support a management plan at Crystal Lake Hatchery near Petersburg. This could provide enough king salmon broodstock for the Anita Bay Terminal Harvest Area. 

The resolution states that supporting this plan will ensure that the fishery will thrive, resulting in recreational and economic activities that benefit the community.

Additionally, with the consistent threat on education in Alaska, assembly members are expected to discuss urging the U. S. Congress and the president to reestablish the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000. It’s also known as SRS funding and has funded rural communities by supporting essential services for schools, roads and public safety. The objective is to make the funding permanent.

KSTK will air the the borough assembly meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m. Feb. 11 on 101.7 FM or online at KSTK.org.