Teniya and Lynsie Morelli stopped by KSTK on Jan. 14, 2025. Teniya shared some of his history living off the land in Idaho, Alaska and Washington. (Colette Czarnecki/KSTK)

Episode 42: Wrangellite Teniya Morelli shares glimpses of his family’s history. It began with a five-year hiking journey with donkeys in California to Idaho. His parents gave birth in a rural canvas cabin, where Carol King held him as a newborn. After a couple years, the family treked north to live life in Alaska. He grew up learning how to live off the land in the early 1980s and later establishing lasting friendships with people he and his family mentored when they had a wilderness camp for troubled youth. He’s been back in Wrangell since 2013 raising his daughter and renovating his house with his wife, Lynsie. KSTK wants to hear about other Wrangellites’ lives. Call 907-874-2345 or email news@kstk.org to share.

Pictures of Teniya Morelli’s family’s early life, from 1975 to 1984. (Colette Czarnecki/KSTK)