Updated Friday, Feb. 2, 2024, 11:38 a.m.
Another small landslide happened Thursday morning in the same location of Monday’s small landslide.
Monday morning’s high winds in Wrangell resulted in a small landslide and at least one downed tree that took out power lines. It cut off at least one residential property’s power.
The National Weather Service said that peak winds at 6 a.m. were recorded at 51 mph at Wrangell’s airport. Zarembo Island, which is 10 miles from Wrangell, recorded peak winds at 86 miles per hour.
Tom Wetor, director for Public Works, said police notified him at 5 a.m. about the landslide at the six mile marker on Zimovia Highway .
“To me, it looked like there was mostly trees, but a little bit of rock in there as well,” he said. “It did go just about all the way across the road, if not all the way across the road. So at the time when I had left, they [road crews] were digging across it.”
“…the top of the tree definitely would have hit their house.”
As for the down tree on Case Avenue, Wetor said it was a pretty big tree that was on adjacent property next to the boat shop. It went all the way across a residential lot and northward to the next residential lot. Both residential properties may have sustained some damage.
“The next property owner to the north, the top of the tree definitely would have hit their house,” Wetor said.
He said that several other trees fell in the area, on Grave St. He said the state Department of Transportation and Municipal Light and Power were notified.
Jeff Rooney, the Public Works’ foreman says DOT cleared the landslide area on Zimovia Highway earlier Monday morning. Municipal Light and Power also cleared some problem trees that were moved to the edge of the road. Additionally, power has been in the residential area.