Wrangell is experiencing its largest COVID-19 outbreak of the pandemic, with 21 known active cases in town as of Saturday evening. Many of those cases are symptomatic.
To combat the rise in COVID cases, Wrangell’s Borough Assembly will consider reinstating a mask mandate at its meeting Tuesday (August 24).
The proposed ordinance would apply to all indoor, public spaces in the borough and carry a fine of $25 for non-compliance.
Wrangell’s municipal buildings already require indoor masking, and City Hall has been closed to the public since some staff members were exposed to COVID on Thursday (August 19). Wrangell’s dump and Shoemaker Park were briefly closed last week after COVID exposure as well.
Wrangell’s assembly imposed a mask mandate in mid-April, during what at the time was the community’s largest outbreak of COVID-19. That mandate did not carry any penalties, and the assembly allowed it to expire after two weeks.
Wrangell has had 103 local cases of COVID-19 identified since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. State health authorities list Wrangell’s COVID-19 alert status as “high,” the highest level.
For Wrangellites without COVID symptoms, testing is available daily at the airport during jet arrivals. Anyone with symptoms or other COVID questions can call the Wrangell Medical Center at 874-7000.
And people 12 and older wanting to get vaccinated against COVID-19 can sign up to receive a vaccine at covid19.searhc.org.
Anyone wishing to speak at Wrangell’s assembly meeting can contact the acting borough clerk at 907-874-3699 or email cyni@nolancenter.org by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday (August 24).
Get in touch with KSTK at news@kstk.org or (907) 874-2345.