Wrangell voters may be scratching their heads over a measure on the October ballot. It references the transfer of Wrangell Medical Center to the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium or SEARHC.
The confusion stems from the transfer already being a done deal. Wrangell voters approved the sale last year. So, what are people being asked this time?
The proposition would remove a section of Wrangell’s charter regarding an elected hospital board. Since Wrangell Medical Center is no longer a city operation, that board no longer exists.
“Essentially what we’re doing is eliminating an obsolete portion in the charter, but a change to the charter requires a vote of the people,” said City Manager Lisa Von Bargen. She said it’s housekeeping.
“We want to make sure we can remove things that have no bearing on borough business anymore,” she said.
There isn’t much of a practical effect either way the vote goes. But she said it’d be awkward to keep the board on the books since it shouldn’t exist. And it hasn’t, the board stopped meeting shortly after last year’s vote.
The election is Tuesday, October 1. Voting takes place at the Nolan Center from 8am to 9pm. Folks can also vote early today at city hall during regular business hours.