Talk on the Rock is KSTK’s live call-in show. Every Tuesday at 1pm we welcome a local guest to discuss events and topics of interest to our little island town. For this week’s episode, host June Leffler spoke Patti Gilbert, Olinda White and Janet Buness about the Wrangell Cancer Care, a program of the WMC foundation. The program provides travel reimbursement for those living in Wrangell, Petersburg, Kake and other small southeast communities. Wrangell and other small communities do not have in-town access to treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. The program has given out over $100,000 to about 80 patients.
One of their largest fundraisers is the rally for cancer golf tournament. The program raised over $7000 from that event last weekend (despite the rain).
Check out their website if you’d like to apply for assistance or donate.
Due to tech issues this is a partial recording.