Talk on the Rock is KSTK’s live call-in show. Every Tuesday at 1pm we welcome a local guest to discuss events and topics of interest to our little island town. For this week’s episode, host June Leffler spoke with Shawn Curley about the Coho/halibut derby kicking off this Saturday, August 10th. This is the Chamber of Commerce’s second coho derby, after Fish and Game sport fishing regulations effectively shut down Wrangell’s king salmon derby in 2018. Curley and the Chamber switched up some things in the hopes of garnering more interest, including more days to fish. Plus a halibut derby during labor day weekend. The chamber sold about 300 derby tickets last year. Curley is hoping to double that this year.
For dates, rules, prize information and the updated derby ladders check out https://www.wrangellfishderby.com/