At the Red Chris Mine, a dam contains a tailings pond. that collects mine waste. Northwest B.C., 2017. (Courtesy of Garth Lenz)
A coalition of 15 Southeast Alaska tribes has endorsed the Stand for Salmon ballot measure. Member tribes include Metlakatla, Saxman, Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Klawock, Kasaan, Hydaburg, Craig, Kake, Douglas, Haines, Sitka, Yakutat, Klukwan, and Central Council Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska.
The controversial measure would create stronger protections for anadromous fish streams – primarily salmon.
The Southeast Alaska Transboundary Commission was formed to protect Southeast’s watersheds from potential mine pollution from British Columbia.
The group said in a release that Alaskans cannot criticize transboundary mines in Canada without being – quote – “diligent in keeping our lands and water pristine.”
Alaska’s Ballot Measure 1 will be on the November ballot. It’s opposed by the mining and energy sectors. They argue it would threaten development.