Candidate filing has ended for Wrangell’s Oct. 3 municipal election. Only two races are contested. (KSTK file photo)
No one’s running for two Hospital Board seats on Wrangell’s Oct. 3 municipal ballot.
But all other positions have candidates and one even has competition.
Borough Clerk Kim Lane sent out a declaration for candidacy list after Thursday’s 5 p.m. deadline. It showed nine residents filed the necessary paperwork.
Rolland C. Howell was the last declared candidate, filing for one of two, three-year Wrangell Assembly seats. Incumbent Stephen Prysunka had already filed for re-election.
Jessica Rooney filed to run for a full, three-year school board term.
Robert Rang, who had been appointed to fill an open school board seat, filed to complete that term, which lasts for two more years. He’s being challenged by Caitlin Cardinell and David Wilson.
Rebecca Christensen and Jennifer Bates filed for two four-year terms on the hospital board. But no one has filed for one other open hospital board term, for two years. Earlier information showed the two candidates competing for the shorter term.
Mark Mitchell filed to run for the sole port commission position on the ballot. It’s for three years.
This report was updated to reflect additional candidate filings and correct an error on the filing list.