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Work on the Marine Service Center and Heritage Harbor is underway, and Harbor Master Greg Meissner says it’s just a matter of months before the community will be reaping the benefits of the updated harbors.

“It will be a nice completed project, and those who have permit stalls or are using the boat launch will enjoy a nice flat driving surface. The restrooms will be a nice addition. And as far as guests and independent travelers who park down there will like it as well not to have to get off dock and not be in the mud. Overall it will just be a much nicer facility,” He says.

Work on the two projects began in May. Heritage Harbor is expected to be completed by September 3rd and the Marine Service Center by late October. Work on Heritage Harbor includes new storm drains, asphalting, a new sidewalk, a restroom, and lighting as well as work on the new Mariners Memorial. The Marine service center is also receiving extensive paving to improve the overall safety of the site. Meissner says the projects are on schedule and running smoothly, but with had some surprises along the way.

He says after Senator Bert Stedman visited Wrangell in December, he made requests in the governor’s budget for additional funds for the Marine Center Service project, which would fund for more concrete work to be done. Meissner says months later that funding showed up in the budget and is now an element they’re working into their previous harbor construction design.

“It survived all the cuts the governor made. So we have $3.7 million in the project to do some concrete work. About 40% of the yard is what we consider high use from the main gate out to the dock and around will all be stripped to re-do the sub base, install new storm drains, and put in new concrete.”

He says he expects the funds to be implemented once work on the two projects is complete. Meissner reminds the public to be patient while construction is underway, and courteous of the limited space and parking at the two facilities. To contact the Harbor Department call 874-3736.
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