<img width="329" height="247" alt="" src="https://kstk.org/modules/local_news/uploads/Image/10WOOD.jpg" />
Photo by KSTK News-Johnson O'Malley Dancers perform at the Blessing Ceremony.
<img width="329" height="247" alt="" src="https://kstk.org/modules/local_news/uploads/Image/10WOOD 003.jpg" />
Photo by KSTK News-Timber for the Chief Shakes Tribal House Renovation Project is blessed.
<img width="329" height="247" alt="" src="https://kstk.org/modules/local_news/uploads/Image/10WOOD 001.jpg" />
Photo by KSTK News-The roof of Chief Shakes Tribal House is stripped of dead wood. It will be replaced with metal roofing for the winter.
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